Privacy Policy for HES Winches Australia Online Environment
The HES Winches Australia website is designed purely as a source of reference for the Goods sold and Services offered by HES WInches Australia Pty Ltd. Products promoted within this website may be discontinued or no longer available.
Personal information submitted to this website will only be used to provide clients with the information they have requested. We will not supply any information voluntarily given by a client via our website to any other company.
For statistical purposes only we may gather website information including the Internet service provider (ISP) that has accessed our website, the date and time of day the website was accessed and the webpages viewed during the visit.
The unauthorised use of trademarks and logos for this company and our suppliers is not permitted. The written authorisation of HES Winches Australia is required as is the authorisation of our suppliers as applies to their trademarks and logos to authorise use.
Intellectual Property (IP)
HES Winches Australia holds all rights to material contained within this website. This includes intellectual property, graphics, animations, sounds, and music non of which are to be reproduced or circulated for commercial use nor can they be posted to any other website.
This website and any files transmitted with it should check this for the presence of viruses. HES Winches Australia accept no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted via this website.